Teaching Portfolio
A short video on the making of the textbook
Teaching Evaluations
Numerical data from all USF student course evaluations, given at the end of every course, every semester, is available in both summary overview and detailed spreadsheets for each class.
Heather Sellers Numerical Data From Student Course Evaluations
Complete student commentaries on the course and my teaching are presented in full, unedited and unredacted, for every course taught at USF. Note: I was on sabbatical Fall 2019—Spring 2020.
Peer evaluations are included in the dossier you received. Here is a description of my role in our undergraduate program from the advisor in English.
Representative Syllabi
Syllabi for two courses I have created at the University of South Florida and am currently teaching Spring 2021:
Lesson Plans
Sample lesson plans from Fall 2020 courses at the University of South Florida:
Representative Assignments
Sample assignments for undergraduate fiction and hybrid courses:
The Practice of Creative Writing
The fourth edition of my textbook, The Practice of Creative Writing: a guide for students, is out from Bedford/St. Martins/Macmillan Learning this year. The textbook is 518 pages, available in print and as an e-book. The Instructor’s Manual is 170 pages. Both are newly updated for use in online classrooms.
A dedicated page on heathersellers.com supports instructors and students using the book in class. Find videos and more there.
Preview the table of contents and the preface for the textbook, and the table of contents for the comprehensive Instructor’s Manual:
The Practice of Creative Writing: a guide for students—Preface and Table of Contents
Conversations with Artists
I interview successful writers and artists about craft and pedagogy, including recent graduates of USF. You can find the interviews here.
To read more about my pedagogy and how I became a teacher and a writer read my informal Teaching Philosophy.