
You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know cover

You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know

  • A "poignant family memoir" that gives new meaning to hindsight, insight, and forgiveness (Boston Globe)
  • Editor’s Choice at the New York Times
  • O, Oprah Book of the Month pick
  • Featured on The Today Show, Dateline Medical Mysteries, Dick Gordon’s The Story, and Good Morning America

Imagine not being able to reliably recognize your own family members, your closest associates, or even yourself.

This is the true story of my life before and after being diagnosed as profoundly face blind.  Growing up, I had no way to understand the massive confusion that dominated my life. Making and keeping a friend was strained to the point of nearly impossible. I failed to recognize even my own family members out on the street. 

A miraculous set of circumstances led me to understand, at last, the nature of the problem (prosopagnosia!). I changed my life to focus on solutions that allow me to cope with this maddening disorder, and in the end, the condition that so profoundly isolates me from my fellow humans becomes the vehicle through which I am able, at last, to connect.

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