
How to Make Poems: Form and Technique
- E-book designed for online classrooms
A course in poetry for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of how to read a poem, and how to go about building a poem. This is a fun and friendly book, jam-packed with my 35+ years of experience teaching, reading, and writing poetry.
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Flip Learning | orders @ fliplearning . com

The Practice of Creative Writing, Fourth Edition
- Updated 130 page Instructors Manual
- Dozens of prompts and project ideas
The Practice of Creative Writing is a practical toolbox for writers at any level. Seeking to support invention and freedom, I wrote The Practice of Creative Writing so students could learn writing strategies (rather than genres). I love these words from Ocean Vuong, excerpted from The Paris Review interview: "I’m not sure a genre is a destination so much as a way of thinking, a tendency of inquiry. When we think of tables, we think of staying there, of keeping our place cards, our seats. I’m not interested in possession. I want to be freer than that. Maybe I’m being naive, but I understand genres to be as fluid as genders. Our lives are full of restrictions—jobs, bills, time, gravity, all of this impinging on us—but to write is to gift yourself the freedom of choice and possibility. That feels truly precious to me."
I’ve always believed that the principles of good writing apply to every genre and I designed the book to teach those five basic principles—imagery, energy, tension, pattern, and insight.
"This is my fifth year teaching an introduction to creative writing course with The Practice of Creative Writing, and it's simply great. The students love it, and they love the course (and I love teaching it).”
—Dr. Van Rhys, Redeemer University
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Page after Page
I wrote Page After Page as an invitation to writing. I was struggling to maintain an artistic life in academia, and also working to create a classroom environment that is generative, positive, thoughtful, lively, and accessible to people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Short chapters, friendly prompts. Welcome to your writing life.
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Chapter after Chapter
Chapter After Chapter provides support and guidance for writers seeking to create a novel or longer work. I offer lessons and practices that can help an author sustain focus and keep the faith.
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